
Caleb 13 months

Time has really truly flown by! Caleb's birthday came and went and I haven't given a proper update for over 3 months. Oops.

I will do some quick updates about our little man-child. He is such a fun guy and we wish all of you could spend time with him!

Age: 13 months
Weight: 28 lbs
Size clothes: 2T shirts, custom made baby yoga pants from Love and Lotus are the only ones that fit!

Interests: Caleb has continued his hobby of ball-throwing. He also enjoys standing up and trying to pull stuff off of our couch. His little arms always seem to be a tag longer than we expect! He loves to play with his buddies and looks forward to going to the YMCA childcare while I workout or having play dates. Caleb is fascinated with the outdoors and is very interested in observing people, vehicles, airplanes, and animals. Caleb absolutely loves the park! Well, any park to be less specific. He can climb up any stairs and scale great heights by crawling up, up and away. We need to be quick because this guy doesn't stop!

Challenges: A big challenge we are working through are molars. Caleb cut through two of them in tow days this week and has been irritable due to the pain and discomfort. It makes me want to help him so badly! Another challenge is communication. Caleb is starting to communicate his wants, needs, and desires but has a hard time when we set limits and boundaries for him. Extension cords are not safe buddy.

Milestones: Caleb started pulling to stand up a while ago, and is now working on standing independently. He will bravely push off the couch and throw his hands in the air for a few seconds before falling backwards. Caleb is starting to form the pointing finger and enjoys poking himself in the mirror and poking our teeth. He is also starting to form more and more words (or sounds that we think are words). He says "go", "no", "dada", "mamama", "mem" "oooo", "yeah", and "ah-da" (all done).

Eating/sleeping/pooping: Caleb can now eat tons of foods, but he definitely has his favorites! Any type of meat he will devour. He also loves paleo banana pancakes, green smoothies, fruit smoothies, almond-flour muffins, raisins, bananas, and of course sweet potatoes. We are still following the WAPF recommendations for food and are avoiding grains and dairy for now. I might introduce soaked oatmeal soon but we shall see! Caleb loves his "mama milk" and is nursing 5-8 times in a 24 hour period. He is sleeping a lot longer stretches but will be a silly goose in the middle of the night when one of us goes in to sleep next to him. He is nursing less at night, which confuses me to no end when he wakes up and refuses the boob. The one things that was a magic "go back to sleep drug" isn't working anymore.  Solid poops are kinda gross, and I have switched to disposable diapers until Caleb has his morning poop. It used to be a mystery when he would poop, and now it is so obvious when he is getting busy in his diaper! The faces he makes are priceless.

Funny Memory: John and I have really enjoyed wrestling with Caleb at night after his bath. We read this article about the importance of roughhousing with your kids so we decided is was high time to comply. Its soooo much fun! Caleb's favorite activity is to "belly flop" on his bed. He will stand up on the ground and lunge onto his bed and completely lay out. It's awesome!