Age: 16.5 months
Weight: 30lbs 5 oz
Size clothes: 2T-3T. He is the size of the average 2.5 year old according to his pediatrician.
Interests: Caleb continues to love any type of ball. He loves going to the YMCA child watch when I go to the gym because they have several basketballs that he loves to play with. I will peek on him and he always has a ball in his hands, even if it's half his size. He will ambitiously try to shoot it in the hoop in there that is 10 feet in the air. Gotta love that persistence! Caleb loves putting objects in other objects, or threading rings onto a stacking stick. He has a best buddy that he enjoys spending time with immensely. I nanny him on Tuesdays so Caleb always gets some great friend time in that day! It is so fun to watch those two guys together having a blast! They love to chase each other, make each other giggle, and play outside together sweeping Ezra's patio.
Caleb and his best bud doing some water play |
Challenges: Caleb has started toddler tantrums. JOY. They are mostly surrounded around losing an object. Usually when I ask him for an object that is unsafe or that I do not want him to play with he will give it to me and them pitch a fit. Tantrums also happen when I shut the door to to bathroom, go into the kitchen beyond the gate, won't let him take my phone when I am on a call, or he can't reach a desired object. Although this is a completely developmentally appropriate behavior, it is still challenging to know how to help him work through his feelings and calm down. I have gained a lot of insight from
Aha! Parenting and a few other gentle parenting resources. I will say "you seem mad because I needed to take the _____ away from you. Its not safe to play with. Do you need a hug?" He will usually run over to me for a big mommy hug. These feelings can be so hard for our little ones to deal with and they need lots of parental support to feel safe enough to calm down.
Mommy hugs make everything better! |
Milestones: Caleb is definitely babbling a lot more, and I think he believes he is speaking in full sentences. His favorite words are "no", "no more", "mama milk" and "OHHHH!!" He says a few others but these ones are the main topics of conversation. Caleb is trying to run now, which is quite challenging when he is so speedy! Caleb is able to climb up heights about tummy level to himself, and safely get down as well! He is stacking blocks (when he wants to), will usually turn to look at you when you say his name, waves (when he wants to), and loves to give high fives, hugs, and kisses. He is learning body parts, and loves to pull up his shirt and point to his belly button when you ask him where it is.
Big guy holding an acai smoothie |
Funny Memory: I have a few, but will share two. Caleb loves large cleaning tools. Brooms, mops, anything to sweep, or vacuums. It is comical to watch him try to clean the house, or walk around with a broom outside. Another hilarious memory was surrounding mama milk. I needed to pump in the morning since he didn't nurse off that side for a while and it was getting painful. He was watching my pump, and after I was done must have been jealous. He asked for "mama milk" and after a few minutes popped off and pointed to a cup just out of his reach. He tried to put the cup on my boob like I was a fountain drink! Sorry pal, it doesn't quite work like that. Milk is always on tap, but you can't expect it to fly out into a cup. The wheels are definitely turning in his head with the connections he is making, however hilarious they may be!
Big helper cleaning up |
Caleb sweeping up the patio |
The Station eatery! |
Caleb loves the Zoo! |
Playing with a firetruck at a friend's house |