

Pregancy Updates

After a long hiatus I have decided to start blogging again. With our little baby boy on the way and so many people wanting updates and pictures I think this is a great way to stay connected! I will hopefully post a lot of my gluten-free/dairy-free/refined-sugar free (phew!) recipes to share since I have been getting a lot of requests to share my kitchen creations. For the next week I am committing to posting everyday, so check back for new posts!

I will start off with 5 things I have done/enjoyed during my pregnancy to help me get ready for the little man's arrival! 28 weeks so far and I can't wait to meet him!

I have been doing a lot of TRX suspension training to build muscle and maintain good heart health. The YMCA offers TRX so I pull myself out of bed and go to their 8am classes. I love the workouts because EVERYTHING involves a little bit of core for stability and I feel like I am getting some awesome abs even though I'm pregnant and can't do normal sit-ups. I've been doing Hatha yoga once a week with a friend and feel amazing stretching everything out and working on balance (which disappeared when my belly emerged). Swimming is another staple and I usually try to do at least a 600 after the TRX classes. I think my favorite part of my week might be Saturday morning CrossFit though! I get to workout with my incredibly handsome husband and bust out my moves in the box. The coaches modify the tough stuff but for the most part I can keep up with the other ladies and not feel like the weak link when we do team challenges. My LEAST favorite thing is walking. I truly dislike it but have been trying to make myself do it at the gym for 20 minutes at least. Blah, I just think its boring but I know its good for preparing me for birth and getting my dear son in the right position.

I feel amazing for having gained a healthy 20+lbs already (I like to think at least 5 of that is muscle from TRX, hehe). I love cooking and have continued with mostly paleo meals to help me and my baby out. I juiced a lot in the beginning to ward off morning sickness and only felt nauseous the two days I didn't do it! I read a blog about it and gave it a shot, it worked for me! I have heard if you start doing a lot of green juice it will make you MORE sick as your body brings itself back into balance, so persist! I have been loving my favorite Advocare products like catalyst and meal shakes to help me hold onto my muscle and get in enough protein. I would be a mess without Spark so that's helped ward off the "pregnancy brain" for the most part. After lots of research I made the decision to ONLY take Advocare products that would replace a prenatal. I figured I don't eat all my food for the day in one sitting, why would I take my vitamins all at once? The one thing I can't get enough of this pregnancy is WATER. I am endlessly parched and guzzle SOOOOoo much water! I have been craving a lot of fruit and it is a bad day if I run out. I'm sad summer fruit is disappearing, I loved those peaches!

John and I made the parenting decision not to buy our kid everything on the planet. John read an awesome book called It's Your kid, not a Gerbil by Dr. Kevin Leman. I am still reading it but the conversations we have had are amazing! We really value creating contentment within our family. In TOTAL I have spent $50 on our little boy. I bought a bunch of onsies and newborn outfits from a woman on craigslist for $20 that would have cost near $100 new! A friend gave me some clothes her 3 month son outgrew and wore once or twice. I got a free nursing cover, imitation-bobby, and bamboobies nursing pads that I only had to pay for shipping to receive! Our BOB stroller is a gift from John's parents and we are picking it up tonight at REI during our date night (hello yogurtland treat!). Our office is going to become a combo nursery/office so we bought an awesome cubbie/bookshelf off craigslist for $50 (usually $200 new) to put office supplies and a few baby clothes. We were on the fence about a crib and decided to NOT get one until he needs it (6 months or so?). Changing tables I have heard never get used to we have a changing pad and cover John's parents couldn't resist buying (thank goodness) that is going to be placed on top of our file cabinet with our cloth diapers going under it in the little cubbies. All in all I am pretty proud that I've saved money and space!

Spinning babies
I am obsessed with the Spinning Babies website and blog. Its all about optimal fetal positioning and exercises I can do do help balance my pelvis, create room for my baby, and help him get into the right position for a smooth birth. John helps with the partner exercises and we have lots of laughs when something doesn't quite workout the way they described on the website. Like when I almost fall off the bed. And when I ask John to "shake the apple tree" (look it up) and something slips out that wasn't supposed to. My friend Stephanie told me about it when she was pregnant, my midwife insisted I do the daily exercises, AND our birthing instructor taught a segment of class on how to use the techniques before and during labor. SO i decided those who have gone before me are wiser than I am. I love it! I am obsessed!

Taking it easy
All in all taking it easy has been so refreshing! I try to walk the shopping cart to the car instead of loading 10 bags across my arms. I have taken a few naps. Gone to bed earlier. Let John do the dishes (like every night he can he insists). Putting my feet up and not feeling guilty. I love pausing to feel my son move and to think about all the ways God is making him into the man he will one day become. I may have showered less, done less housework, and taken more breaks, but it has been so worth it.


  1. Love it !! So glad to read your doing good =)) .I also love all the great tips!!! Love it girl, keep working the TRX =))

  2. Three kids and we never used a changing table. Eventually an old towel on the floor feels way safer than anything above floor level. They start wiggling fast! Also re: crib. Had i to do it all over again I would not have bought our big beautiful crib. It was very hard to pass it along after we were done with it. (We finally donated it to a crisis pregnancy center). One of our kids slept in a pak-n-play until he was ready for a toddler bed. It worked just as well, and even though we're "done" with it, too, it is folded up in its case up in the attic in case we have a baby guest or whatever, and it takes up very little space up there...just my 2 cents on the whole saving money thing. Amazed that you can exercise so much...good for you. Very excited for you in this next stage of life.

  3. I agree with KDL ~ get a pack 'n' play (also easy to find in excellent condition on Craigslist) so you can use it at home and traveling, then transition your LO to a toddler bed if/when necessary!

  4. Thanks Guys! @KDL and @KD thanks for the advice on the pack 'n' play! I will have to look for one on CL or from friends. Thanks for reading! @Elizabeth, love you too girl! Are you coming to SD anytime soon? If so le tme know and I can get you into my TRX class!
