

Season of Rest

I deeply desire for these next few weeks before our son makes his debut into the world to be restful and peaceful. Help me, this is hard!

Today in yoga I was reminded how busy I can get with things that will not make a lasting impact on my soul. I tend to run around from place to place and miss the opportunities to be quiet and still. I had a hard time catching my breath and S-L-O-W-I-N-G down to be fully present when we started the class. after about 10 minutes of panic I was finally able to breath deeply and invite myself into a place of peace. It was so relaxing to be able to move with my breath and remind myself to fully engage with my body. I feel like this day at yoga has been a metaphor for how I feel EVERY day.

Who knew resting could be such hard work? I feel like there are a million things to do before this little dude comes and yet I want to enjoy these last few weeks before John and I become a family of three. Balancing everything is tough! Quietness and stillness are what I crave and I hope that I can be reminded that God desires rest for me more than I might desire it myself. He takes pleasure in watching me rest and be still. 

On another note I was so blessed this weekend to have family and friends travel near and far for my baby shower! I will post more on that in a few days, but here are a few teaser pictures of the weekend of fun-filled celebration! 

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