

Bump Updates + Maternity Shoot

Our dear little son is 35 weeks in womb age! I can't believe how fast this thing has flown by, it seems like only yesterday since we were squealing at a positive pregnancy test. Here are some updates:

1. We have maternity pictures! My sister Hope took them for us, scroll down to see her amazing photography!

2.  I look like a pregnant repairman. Yep, I bought a pregnacy belt. This little guy sticks our so far and I have been having so much pressure when I walk that I gave in a few weeks ago and went to Motherhood Maternity. I love it!! Seriously am so thankful I just jumped on it. I really notice a difference when I use it and when I forget.

3. I still think I rock at TRX. I feel like a super star because I am still able to "beat" the 60-year-olds in my class. I love the total body workout and the sweat, I just can't do any single-leg isolation. I wish I wish I could swim but my boy flipped from head down to transverse at 32 weeks (then back to head down three days later) so I am nervous as all heck to get in the water.  Maybe I will try it, he likes it when I am in the hot tub and in the bath so we will see.

4. I got mad props from my midwife. She was very pleased that I know exactly where our little dude is hanging out inside me. I can feel his back, butt, legs, and feet thanks to the belly mapping techniques my friend Steph turned me onto. As I am typing I can tell he is in the LOT position, same one he has been in since 33ish weeks. My baby has his back leaning into my left, he is head down, and he is facing my right hip and kicking my upper right abdomen!

5. Our home visit it next week! Our midwife, her partner midwife, and their student midwife are all coming to our home next Tuesday (unless someone else goes into labor) to have our home visit! They will make sure we have all the supplies on our list and familiarize themselves with our little home. We need to do a trial run of our birth pool before they come, so this weekend I get a FULL sized bath to soak in! I am super excited about the possibility of a big bath, I might just leave the pool up and use it to take a few baths where my belly doesn't protrude up out of the water.

On to our maternity photo shoot!! My sister Hope has a busy photography business, and did I mention she is only 19? She is amazing and I am so blessed to have such an awesome sister who is willing to put up with my silly poses. She goes to school in Santa Barbara if anyone ever wants to support her business and get some rockin' photos. Here is her facebook page if you like what you see and what to see more of her amazing work! Photos by Hope Photography are copyrighted 2013.

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