Our little man just keeps getting bigger and bigger! I can't believe he is
Age: 7 months
Weight: 24lbs
Size clothes: 12-18 months
Interests: Caleb loves to be on his tummy while reaching for anything he can gets his hands on to explore with his mouth. He particularly enjoys clothespins (which happen to be in every room of our house) and hard objects the teeter on the verge of being unsafe. I learned that Caleb really likes to watch people who talk with their hands; he is fascinated with people who are animated talkers! Caleb continues to enjoy swimming in the pool, our bathtub, and now the ocean! He took his first great open water adventure a few weeks ago with John. Our little babe was naked, loved splashing around, and tried to eat the seaweed. The water was pretty chilly but this little love bug didn't seem to mind one bit! He has a saltwater heart like his mommy and daddy!
Favorite pastime: emptying his treasure box |
Friends! |
King of cool playing with Jeffery the Giraffe |
Challenges: As always, nursing continues to be a struggle. I found myself at the zoo today with a group of ladies from the Badass Breastfeeders of San Diego nursing my child on a towel on the concrete ground in the food court. Yep. That's how we roll. Eat in the Ergo? No way! In the cradle position? Forget it mom! Sitting up? You are crazy woman! Eat on the hard floor, on a towel, lying down in the food court? Ok, sounds great Ma! Well, at least we don't have to worry about a weight gain problem. Sigh. Another challenge we have encountered is how frustrated this little dude gets when he can't reach an object he accidentally batted away in a gleeful exuberance of excitement. Those darn arms just aren't long enough! Soon enough he will be crawling and a whole new world will be opened up to him!
If I can't find anything else to play with, my feel are always there to explore! |
Milestones: Caleb now has three little pearly whites! His first one sprouted on Friday July 8th, 2 weeks later other the partner bottom tooth popped up, and a few days ago I noticed a top side tooth was coming in too! The first tooth was the hardest for him to pop, and after that one I didn't notice much of a change in his behavior. Caleb is pushing up onto this hands and knees and rocking around, trying to propel himself forward. Sooner that we know it this little guy is going to be scurrying all over the place! Caleb has started to sign "milk", but I don't think he has any idea what
"milk" means because he is definitely not hungry when he is signing it. Caleb started hugging me and John tightly
around our necks when we pick him up. It is the most precious thing in
the whole wide world! We recently took Caleb to get adjusted by
Dr. Tapia and before his adjustment he was only rolling back to tummy to the right side. Within 24-48 hours he started to roll all 4 ways! He had his second adjustment this morning and we will continue to take him in to make sure his body isn't developing a tight side, which can have an impact on how muscles, ligaments, and the nervous system develops.
Waiting to be adjusted by Dr. Tapia |
First tooth! |
"Hugging" daddy (aka chokehold) |
Eating/sleeping/pooping: We are still giving Caleb tastes of food here and there, and we are still waiting until he can sit unsupported to begin solid foods. We are not putting him into a sitting position so that his spine and nervous system can develop properly, and as a result he will most likely sit after he can crawl. I am completely fine waiting, less of a mess and less equipment! Caleb is a champion sleeper, taking two 2-3 hours naps a day. He goes to bed around 8pm and I will dream nurse him whenever I go to bed a few hours later. He will usually wake up at 5am to nurse and then falls right back asleep until 7:30 or 8! As far as pooping goes, this little bug loves to make grunts and funny faces when he is having a bowel movement. Since he is picking things up and putting them in his mouth I have found grass, sand, and small pieces of hair in his diaper. I need to watch out when this guy has a pincher grasp!
Mr. Nursing pants |
Hey guys! I'm awake! |
Funny Memory: Every morning creates a new opportunity for a funny memory. Caleb can now choose to get out of his floor bed when he is ready to wake up by slithering and rolling off. I have no idea how long he was been playing in the mornings until I hear a squeal of delight or a cry of frustration. The positions we find him in and the places he ends up on his bed are a constant source of enjoyment for the parents. John and I will often peek on his several times at night to see where he has moved on his bed, barely able to keep it together until we close his door and bust up laughing.
One of the many places he (could) end up in the morning. (He does not sleep in the buff) |
Caleb can't decide if he wants to stay in bed or wake up |
This picture says it all. |
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