Nursing in Vrksasana
I am passionate about health and fitness. Notice I didn't say "looks, appearances, skinny bodies, and fad diets?"
As many of you who have been following me know; I did crossfit, yoga, swimming, and TRX, and resistance training during my pregnancy. I ate mostly paleo (plus chocolate and gluten-free cupcakes) and took Adovcare products GALORE. I am going to post my birth story soon (promise) but I wanted to update everyone on how being a new mom has been regarding fitness and health.
Firstly, it is really easy to lose weight when you have a baby. As soon as that sucker pops out you are about 20lbs lighter within a few days. The rest of the pregnancy weight might take a little longer to come off. For me this past week I have finally felt more like "me" in my body. I am still a good 15lbs heavier than when I became pregnant, but I am lighter than when I started Advocare. I upped the
Catalyst because I started doing more
yoga and
Can You 24 workouts. This stuff is seriously like magic. It helps you body target fat as its fuel source and protects your lean muscle. I am so thankful the
Advo Docs said, "yes" when the 1996 US Olympic wrestling team approached them to formulate a product that would help them cut weight without compromising their muscle mass. They earned Gold that year and I lost 4 inches off my waist when I did my first 24 Day Challenge with Catalyst so until you try it yourself you will think I'm just making stuff up. If you can't feel already I am a little obsessed.
I have been doing yoga with Caleb or leaving him at the Kids Space at my yoga studio. It has been a really great way to ease back into exercise in my post-baby body. John even did a class with me yesterday and we did inversions (see pic below). His goal is to be able to do a CrossFit Hand Stand Push Up. Since his elbow is jacked up from baseball it's a work in progress. My motivation in a glass has been
Spark because it is quite hard to pull myself together these days. Its is my "I can do this today", "happy mommy juice", "organized brain" "4-hours of mental focus and energy", "I can have an intelligent conversation with my husband at 9pm" magic potion of goodness. Without it I am not sure I would get out the door to make it in time to any of the classes I have gone to.
Breastfeeding has been a huge help for losing the weight and getting my body back. Putting weight on during pregnancy and keeping it on afterwards is really important for successful breastfeeding. A woman who loses weight too quickly after birth puts her milk supply at risk. Eating enough healthy foods, supplementing with
Adovcare, and drinking lots of water has all contributed to my healthy milk supply (almost too healthy, I have way too much milk). It is recommended that a woman loses about a pound a week while breastfeeding and that she does not lose weight rapidly.
Health for me has been eating well, staying active, resting when I need to, sleeping lots, getting support from friends and family, crying my eyes out when it is really really tough, connecting with other moms who are going through the same thing, and trusting God to supply for my needs. Praying for me has looked a lot more like God speaking to me and reminding me to rest in Him.
The biggest thing I have learned about being a FIT MOM and getting back into the swing of things is to appreciate what my body has done for me. My body needs grace. God created my body to do some amazing things! It grew a healthy baby boy, went through a natural (no meds) birth at home, and is now supplying food for a very hungry guy who is growing like a weed (um at 10 weeks he is in 6 month old clothing today. EEEK!). My body needs grace from myself mostly. My stretch marks are battle scars and my belly pooch is a reminder of God's gracious provision in my life. I look at the love handles that are now girdling my sides and smile because I know that one day they will carry my child on my hip and be melted away. So I will continue on, slowly easing back into the swing of things, listening to my body and its limits (I hate limits), and choosing to love my son before I selfishly injure myself because I wasn't respecting this new body I have.
May you all go out and appreciate your bodies!
The day I found out we were pregnant! |
6 weeks Pregnant |
CrossFit at 20 weeks |
Last belly shot before I went into labor at 38 weeks |
Caleb at 10 weeks |
Arm stand (did the first one postpartum yesterday) |
My little love |
Sooooo big! |
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